Residential Solar

High-Quality Residential Solar

Save on Your Energy Bill When You Choose Space City Solar


Residential Solar

Residential Solar

As the cost of using solar to produce electricity goes down each year, many Americans are increasingly switching to solar. Now, there are over a million solar installations across the country.


A residential solar electricity generating system from Space City Solar provides you with your own supplemental electrical power source to work in concert with power from your electric utility provider.

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Analyze Your Electricity Bills

  • Your electricity bills have treasure of information that can help you determine whether going solar could help or not.

  • They tell your house’s power demand during different seasons; electricity rate you are paying at; and who is your Retail Electricity Provider (REP). If you are currently paying less than eight cents per kilo watt hour, return on investment for a new solar energy system will be far less than if the rates are more than ten cents.

  • What all the costs on your current electricity bills cannot be eliminated or reduced by a new solar energy system.

  • Your current REP may not offer solar electricity Buy Back Program and may not give credits for sending any solar electricity back to the grid. In that case, we can size a system that will not send any electricity back to the grid. Thanks to which helps to precisely assess these parameters.


Any time that you must deal with the city or utilities for permits, National Electric Codes, city or local ordinances, or even your HOA’s deed restrictions, it must be skillfully handled. Our experience and in-house expertise help us navigate through technical and bureaucratic channels painlessly and quickly.


We have helped HOA’s in Texas understand what Texas Solar Access Laws are about. Though this law was enacted in 2012, many HOA’s in Texas have not incorporated it into their Deed restrictions, causing problems for homeowners trying to go green!


 Solar technology is a fast-growing new field. As experts, we are required to undergo rigorous, continuous training to keep ourselves up-to-date. By keeping our knowledge current, we can provide the best services and product lines to homeowners.

 A Solar Company Homeowners Can Count On

  • A recent survey of several homeowners who got their solar panels installed revealed this fact: they do not know what they have on their roof and in their garage.
  • We will not leave our solar customers in darkness. We explain everything in plain ‘English’ and make sure they understand what's on their roof and what to watch for!
  • Our system, installed on your roof, can be monitored remotely by our experts, who can assess if the system is performing as it is supposed to.
  • We also alert our customers of any anomalies and of corrective actions, if needed. In Texas, overgrown trees, 3 or 4 years after solar panels are installed, cause shade. We can alert the authorities and have such tree branches trimmed off.

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